I have always been a calendar/planner kinda person! It is so much easier for me to keep track of my work schedule, Dr. appointments, activities, and travel plans on a hand written calendar. I dislike having to access my calendars by phone and prefer one that can be seen and used by everyone in the household.
When we moved into the Imagine 5 months ago, the old school calendars were not practical in the space we had. I tried to change my ways by using my phone calendar and then “sharing” it electronically with my hubby but it just didn’t work for me. With the large magnetic surface of the fridge, I decided to try a Monthly Magnetic Calendar.
Because of my ever changing Travel Nurse schedule, I am now able to keep my husband up to date with my work and call days, add appointments as they come up, and write reminders that we are notoriously forgetting.
We recently made the 1,330+ mile trip from our home base to my travel nursing contract location and the Calendar, Marker Holder, and Whiteboard Markers did not budge. Even with every day jostling from opening and closing the freezer, I have no concerns that these magnets won’t hold strong!
This simple and cheap solution is not only functional but perfect for the small space.