Another week has come and gone here in Asheville and I have worked only 10.5 hours total, including my on call/ call back hours. Covid-19 has nearly shut down the endoscopy department and I am being cancelled day after day. Next week starts my last week on Contract #3 and I am definitely ready to head home.
There are many challenges to living in an RV and times like these seem to magnify how different life is when in a small space.
With very little pantry storage and an 8 cubic ft fridge, weekly grocery store runs are a necessity. I have gotten so much better about using my “reusable” grocery bags instead of shopping carts while in the store. A simple change in habit not only lowers my contact with touch surfaces but I am saving the sea turtles by using reusable bags! This habit will most definitely continue even after the fear has passed.
Laundry is another unique RV adjustment! Some rigs are large enough and equipped for a washer/dryer but our beautiful home on wheels is not one of them! Last year, I did invest in a portable non-electric manual washing machine called a Drumi. It takes me about 30 minutes to do a baskets worth of laundry, however, I also get my leg workout at the same time! Warm spring sunshine came just in time and I was able to avoid the laundromat this week and wash and line dry my cloths at home.

Choosing RV life for us also meant we would be spending more time outside than inside. With the city of Asheville and the entire state of North Carolina closing city greenways, parks, and hiking trails, we are desperate for fresh air! We are staying positive by reminding ourselves that by this time next week, things will be different! One week from today, we will be rolling into our barn where fresh air and open space is just outside our door.
With only 1 week left on Contract #3, I am riding the waves and taking it one day at a time!