Phase 1
Because we are only home for 4-8 weeks at a time, prioritizing projects helps us tackle our huge “Barn To-Do list” one project at a time. Prior to leaving for Travel Nurse Contract #3 in Asheville, an electrical box was mounted to the barn. We contacted the local electric company and scheduled for them to connect us to “the grid” while we were away.
Everything went as planned, and our box was ready for use once we returned home! We knew that we would not complete all the electrical work on this visit and that we would need to break it done into multiple phases. Our priority was to get the RV on a permanently mounted plug and a few electrical outlets in the shop.
Hours were spent researching different wiring techniques, a professional came out and gave us his opinion, and after a lot of thought and consideration for the future, we finally had a plan.
We chose a method that was a lot more work, but gave us the look and confidence that this project was going to last for the life of the barn.
We decided to run conduit! This was a learning process as we had to plan the routes, measure and bend the pipes, pull the wires, and connect outlets with zero experience.
It was a very intimidating project when we first got started but once the first bend was put into the conduit, our confidence and teamwork took off! With every step of the way, we took our time and executed our plans.
Once the outlets were installed, a quick check showed that they were in proper working order!
It was time to work on the RV plug next!
When considering the future and future rigs, we decided to place a 50amp RV plug and convert down to our current 30amp needs.
Wiring a plug for The Imagine was scary and exciting. If you have been following along, you may remember our big mistake when we wired for a temporary plug a few months ago.
After many checks and rechecks, we finally got the RV plug wired and mounted! We converted down to 30 amps, connected the Power Watchdog to insure our wiring was correct, and all green lights gave us assurance of a correctly installed plug.
We were able to complete Phase 1 of the electrical in 2 days and I can not believe all that we learned and accomplished!
There is a lot more electrical that needs to be done, but for now we are happy with our progress and need to move onto other items on our “To-Do list”. Be sure to check back next week as we continue working on transforming The Barn into an extension of our RV Life!