How do I even begin to describe the wonder and beauty of this weeks hike? Have you ever been somewhere that makes you feel so lost but also found all at the same time? That is the only way to describe this place!

Evidence of last weeks winter storms greeted us as we neared the end of the road! 4X4 once again saved the day and allowed us to adventure deeper into the New Mexico desert and the Bisti Wilderness Lands. Today, I was on the hunt for a formation named “The King of Wings”.

Once our journey on foot began, I realized that we would be forging our own path. There was no trail and we made our way through miles of desert brush hidden beneath the frozen snow.

If it wasn’t for the GPS, there is no way we could have navigated this land. It seemingly went on forever with no landmarks to guide us.

It wasn’t until we topped a small hill that we saw the treasures hidden in plain sight!

The desert brush disappeared once again and gave way to dry riverbeds, hoodoos, a petrified forest, and a wing formation that lived up to its name!!

“The King of Wings“
Once this formation came into view, I could not take my eyes off of it! It was beyond beautiful and mesmerizing!

The shear size of this wing is hard to describe without a little perspective.

I would have never believed that this place could be real if I hadn’t of seen it for myself! This is our 5th time visiting a portion of the Bisti Wilderness area, and with every visit, I am blown away as if it was my first.

As the morning sun stole the chill from the air, the snow quickly began to melt. The ground turned to mud and swallowed our feet with every step. It was time to head back to the truck before the melted snow returned a flowing stream to the once dry river beds.

With only 3 more weeks here in New Mexico, I feel that I have truly found “The Land of Enchantment”. I never Imagined that what I would Discover on this Travel Nurse adventure would be myself.
Keep following along, every Sunday, as this Travel Nurse adventure takes me to new and unexpected places!!