My call weekend is complete…
Honestly, this call weekend wasn’t bad, but it was definitely treated as any other work day. With an extra 15 hours of working, I am exhausted and definitely ready to be done with this contract!
The worst part about this week was the smoke in the air from nearby wildfires! We are literally being suffocating and everyday chores like walking Watson is miserable, even for Watson! His frequent sneezing is worrisome. The smoke has gotten denser by the day and there is no escaping it! It is in the buildings, in the hospital, and in The Imagine.
These pictures were taken at the same time of day, at the same location, only 1 day apart!
7/24/2021 @ 0600 7/25/2021 @ 0600
And it only continues to get worse. I can not imagine living in this area and dealing with wildfires every year. It is definitely an eye opener to the devastation the these fires cause.
I have 4 weeks and 1 call weekend left before I can mark Contract #6 off my list. Fingers crossed that the fires get under control, that the smoke lightens up, and that my last couple free weekends can be filled with adventure!
Keep following along every Sunday to see where this crazy amazing Travel Nurse adventure takes me next!