Saguaro National Park
Tucson, Arizona and the Saguaro National Park unexpectedly became the last stop on our journey home.

The morning of our planned hike, the Truck started to have some huge electrical issues and multiple errors/faults appeared on the dashboard. Before making any decisions about our future, we spent the morning enjoying the most beautiful desert I have ever seen!

The Saguaro cactus and the Sonoran Desert was not anything like I had imagine!

The landscape was so green and thriving under the relentless heat even at 0630 in the morning!

The views from every angle were one-of-a-kind!

In just a 4 mile hike, we crossed paths with a coyote, birds, frogs, lizards, butterflies, a black snake, and a rattlesnake (who was particularly angry and aggressive).

And the size of the Saguaro Cacti was astonishing.

Once we returned back to The Imagine…

It was time to pack up and get ready to hit the road for our next planned stop. After a few hours on the road and a quick stop to change drivers, the truck started to have more and more issues. We decided to stop at a nearby dealership to see if the issue could be fixed. After waiting for a technician for 2 hours and never getting someone to actually look at the truck, we decided to crank the truck and see what happened. This time, the truck cranked without issue and all electrical systems were working… with this, we decided to cancel all of our remaining stops and drive straight home! We were 1,133 miles from home and since the issues were inconsistent but only occurred when we cranked it up… we took a chance on the Truck and knew that we had to leave it running from that point forward! From 6:18am Wednesday morning to 7:28am Thursday morning, we made our way across the country on the longest driving day EVER! We have never been so happy to see The Barn than we were that morning!
Now that we have been home for a few days, life has quickly returned back to normal. Family, barn life, and quiet Texas mornings on the farm are the best healers for a weary traveler.
Although we were unable to make it to White Sands National Park this go around, the adventures will resume in only a few short weeks! Contract #7 if confirmed and in the works as I have already begun the on-boarding process.
Contract #7 is ultra unique, with a new agency and a new location! You will want to keep following along every Sunday to see where this crazy, amazing Travel Nurse adventure takes me next!