Week 3 brought more of a routine and a glimpse of what the remainder of the contract will look like. After talking with the manager about my concerns, I have been reassured that I will be provided with resources needed to do my job even when on call. We will see how my call days and weekends go and hope for the best!
With a serious lack of hikes and epic views in the surrounding area, hiking and photography is on the back burner and has been replaced with a hobby that has been buried for too long!

After finding a local indoor archery range just down the road from the RV park, my days off have been filled with hours worth of arrows!

I have missed this. Despite how hard this sport is and how insanely out of shape I am, being able to shoot again has relit a fire in me that burned out long ago! The Black Pearl and I are officially out of retirement and teamed back up for a backyard shooters comeback. Who knows, maybe it is time to add a Texas state title to our names or maybe we just spend our days flinging arrows remembering all the good times! Whatever comes next is fine by me.
In other random news, the weather was perfect today! Texas is finally cooling off and fall has officially arrived.
Stay tuned every Sunday to see what this crazy amazing travel nurse adventure has in store for me next week!