With the weeks ticking away so quickly, this week we got a few new upgrades to the truck in preparation of the arrival of our new home on wheels.
In just a few weeks, the Imagine turns 3 years old! Where has the time gone? The Imagine has been an amazing home but we had always known that this rig would need to be upgraded. We had bought The Imagine with the intention of testing out this lifestyle without investing too much upfront. The intentions of upgrading The Imagine after 2 years was something we discussed from day one and for 2 years, we have been looking at possible future rigs. Earlier this year, we finally decided on and ordered our next home-on-wheels!

The New Rig is set to arrive in as few as 6 weeks and our excitement for this next chapter in our RV adventure is growing! The first upgrade we needed was, of course, a new hitch! As we go from a travel trailer to a fifth wheel, we opted for a highly recommended and “easy to use” B&W Companion Fifth wheel hitch.

And just like when we first started to prep for RV life in the travel trailer, I can’t help but feel nervous about all the change thats about to happen! But finally getting the hitch and having it in the truck that we specifically bought for the new RV is so exciting! It has been a 2.5 year in the making and we are so close to seeing our long term goals turn into reality! This new Rig will be our “long term” home and will take up on endless adventures for the next 10+ years.
The second upgrade was a Retrax Pro MX bed cover.

In our 2.5 years of RV life, we have found numerous times where we wished we had a bed cover for the truck. Having a place to lock and store items is priceless when you live in a tiny house!

With the truck ready to pick up our new RV, we now sit and wait for its Grand Arrival!!
This weekend was also Holiday in the Pines in Nacogdoches, Texas and I couldn’t miss out on the start of this years holiday season!

As the holidays approach, my decision to stay close to home this contract is really paying off!

Next week is Thanksgiving and a long weekend in Nacogdoches is calling my name!! Stay tuned as I continue to mark off this contract 1 week at a time and prepare for the arrival of our new RV.