OMG!! Another week down, only one more to go!!!
This week was so weird! With it being Spring Break in Tyler, Texas, the department was running at half speed. Fewer Doctors + fewer patients = multiple days of getting off early and getting called off completely on Friday. It was an easy week and a weekend to remember!
This weekend was all about family!!
We spent Saturday together playing with my nephews and getting back into the swing of living the simple life!

One thing is for sure, I do not know what the boys are going to do once we reclaim our barn! It has been their winter weather playground for 6 months now.

We also used this last trip home to ready ourselves and the barn for our grand return next weekend!
This will be the first time we roll into The Barn with the ReImagine and we wanted to make sure everything was set and ready to make this an easy transition back to Barn/Farm life.

It was the perfect East Texas sunset!

And my new friends were just glowing!
Keep following along as I finish my last week of this 26 week contract and begin my epic summer vacation!