Our Grand Design 2930RL-R has a unique feature, a window on the front cap above the bed. I love this window and the epic views we get from it when traveling, but I always pulled the blind at night or during the heat of the day. I never took a picture with the blind down, but for reference, it was one of these blackout RV roller shades identical to the one over the couch.

When we first picked up The ReImagine from the RV dealer, the shade was already broken! They claimed warranty on it before we even took delivery of the rig. We were sent another shade and that one was also delivered to us broken!

It was not easy to design this replacement. The windshield and the area above the bed is very curved and slanted! That and the fact that it is above the bed means that anything I did had to be secured both top and bottom to prevent it from hanging straight down.

Because of the way that the window is shaped and the fact that whatever I did, it also had to be road worth… meaning it needed to be secured in a way that it would stay in place when traveling… I ended up using a closet clothing rod and bracket for the top,

and some leftover conduit and metal conduit clamps to secure the bottom.

I love the end result. Like any RV project, it took way longer than I was expecting to complete! Tomorrow we will be heading out for a quick weekend getaway… fingers crossed that our design works and that the window shade stays in place.
Next project in The ReImagine- Fix a hole in the vinyl flooring that ripped! YIKES!
Keep following along as I live life Tiny and enjoy the adventures along the way!