Yesterday evening, Chris, Watson, and I headed out on our last hike here at Caprock Rock Canyon State Park and it was not what I expected!

When looking for one last epic hike before we leave for AZ, I wanted to head out to the far corners of the State Park and explore an area that is off the beaten path. In all my travels, I have learned that if you really want to experience a place, you have to take the road less traveled. This “road less traveled” took us to a hike that combined three different trails and left us undoubtably captivated by this land.

Our hike started out with a welcoming site! We hadn’t seen wildlife in a couple of days, but our luck had finally changed. Three young bison greeted us at the trailhead as we made our way to Haynes Ridge. Once we got to Haynes Ridge, it was a vertical climb from there!

With loose rock and very little to hold on to, we slowly made the climb to the top of the ridge.

About halfway up, we found a flat spot to catch our breath and look back to see how far we had already come. When it comes to hiking, you never want to forget to take a second and look back!

Once we reached the top, the views of the valley were indescribable and photos just don’t do them justice! I could see the Bison roaming miles away, the wind turbines on the horizon, and the State Park as a whole with a birds-eye view.

As we walked along the ridge line, we found ourselves experiencing Caprock Canyon in its entirety. The views from every angle were breathtaking, the wind was intense with very strong gusts, and the hike, although we were still climbing, seemed easier after that vertical ascend. We crossed paths with a wild boar, and for a few seconds, we had a stand-off. This is when I realized all I had with me was my safety whistle. Nothing for self defense… not even my bear spray. I really need to become a better survivalist and at least carry a knife and my bear spray. Luckily, the boar wasn’t interested in our presence and continued on his journey so we could continue on with ours.

After a few miles of hiking the ridge, it was time to descend back down to the valley floor. Much like our route up to the top, our route down was a shear vertical drop. Scrambling, sliding, crawling… it was slow going back down to earth, but once again, the views were worth every grueling moment!

The sun was beginning to set and cast the valley in gold light! Caprock formation could be seen in the distance glowing in suns last light of the day. Although this image does not allow you to see the formation well, it was an extravagant sight to see in person!

Even with the endless views, I was ready to get off the side of this bluff! If you know nothing else about me, know that I am PETRIFIED of heights. I can’t even climb a ladder without getting heart palpitations, dizziness, and tunnel vision. I know, sounds weird considering I am the one who chooses these types of hikes… but, I do them because I don’t want to let my fears keep me from experiencing moments… experiencing life. I have a will-power that can over come my fear but only for a certain amount of time… that time was quickly running out as I descended the cliffside.

Safely on the valley floor, the hike from there was relatively flat and followed along a dry river bed. Luckily, the rain we had received the last few nights did nothing to replenish the rivers and streams that cut through the valley. As we walked along, looking back again left us in awe.

A lone bison occupied our trail forcing us to go off route to get around him.

And as the moon rose on the horizon, the night fell on the valley.

This hike is a MUST do hike for all able-bodied visitors! It brings the bests of Caprock Canyon State Park into one single heart pounding adventure!

Caprock Canyon State Park has captivated my senses from the moment I arrived! The beauty around every turn is surreal and is hidden in the plains of Texas. Often times, the places truly worth seeing are in our own back yards!!