Family vacation!! To some, this may seem like a normal occurrence… but, for me/for us, this marked the first time that everyone in this picture was ever photographed together! Life took us all in different directions and time passed by in what seemed like seconds…
Travel nursing and full-time RV life has allowed me to visit my brother (who does not live in Texas) more often than anyone else and I am immensely grateful for that, but having everyone together at once is something truly special!
Our 3 week September Adventure started out at Cloudland Canyon State Park!

Where my Mom and I spent a lot of our time hunting geocaches.

Fall was just around the corner and the crisp cool air was a welcoming change from our usual Texas heat.

It was a beautiful sight having everyone together… even if just for the weekend.

After my brother, sister, and their families headed home Sunday, my in-laws joined us and my parents for a few more days of fun. The best part, by far, was our trip to the Lodge Cast-Iron Museum!

So random but a ton of fun!

Once my parents and the Deloachs left, Chris and I were on our own for the remaining 2 weeks of our September adventure! This meant a TON of disc golf…

And our return to our old stomping grounds, 6GAP! For many years, endurance road cycling was our weekend adventure and the 3Gap route in Dahlonega, Ga was our greatest challenge. We trained (for fun mind you) on those mountains regularly and rode the prestiges 6Gap event multiple years in a row. It was, by far, the largest organized ride of our cycling career but also the most challenging and rewarding (outside of Chris’ Yellowstone ride). With this year’s event being held during our time here in Georgia, I couldn’t help but jump in for old time sake! At the time of me registering us for the ride, we had around 4 months to train… now, don’t forget, we hadn’t ridden in YEARS and this was like going from couch to ultramarathon in 4 months! But, somehow, the saying is true! I was just like riding a bicycle!!

Yes, the route was SOOO challenging and my legs were on fire… I literally had to sing to myself the “Never Give Up” song nearly the whole way… but, it was also SOOO insanely easy because there is no better way to experience the world around you than on a bicycle!

We were quickly reminded of how easy it is to fall in love with this sport! The North Georgia Mountains were breathtakingly beautiful and the challenge and difficulty of this ride was quickly replaced with fascination for the scenes painted on the horizon. It was worth every grueling mile and every foot of elevation climbed. Cycling will definitely be making a comeback in our lives!
With only a few more days left here in Georgia, we have a couple things planned before we leave… This year has been insanely busy and it doesn’t look like it will be slowing down any time soon… Keep following along as I return home and continue with our “home” project and plan our next RV adventure!